Kaigo Tadashii

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De-facto main character. True to convention, is Japanese. He was a pilot for Imperial Japan, was assigned to the squadron responsible for bombing Pearl Harbor. Has a great weight on his shoulders because of this and feels that nothing he can do will make up for what he did those years ago. Outfit consists of a bomber-jacket with a Rising Sun on the back. Name literally translates to "righteous remorse". His fighting style borrows a lot from Ryu-style shotokan, but many moves are changed around, his dragonpunch will probably be switched for a Guile-ish somersault kick, and his projectile attack will be removed in favor of a Q-style forward lunging punch.


  • Nationality: Japanese
  • Occupation: 1st Lieutenant, United States Air Force (formerly Imperial Japanese Air Force)
  • Age: 26
  • Sex: Male
  • Hair: Black, short and straight with a few small spikes out the front. Subtle.
  • Outfit: Brown jeans, white tanktop, A2 bomber jacket with giant Rising Sun patch on the back

December 7th, 1941, a day that will forever live on in infamy. The United States naval base at Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese Air Force, and it was Kaigo Tadashii that led the charge. While he returned home safely, along with a handful of men from his squadron, he became disillusioned toward Japan's involvement in the war. He no longer believed that what he was doing was for the good of his homeland. When Japan joined the Allies in early 1945, Kaigo had already moved to the States. Nobody knew who he was, but he felt responsible for the whole attack. Kaigo decided that there was nothing he could do to earn the forgiveness of those whose lives he had destroyed. He joined the USAF and entered the fight against Germany. Kaigo's plane was shot down over Germany in 1947. Lacking a way to communicate with his superiors, Kaigo simply pressed onward, on foot, toward Berlin.


  • Punch: Kaigo chops horizontally with a flat hand.
  • Weak Punch: A quick straight jab.
  • Strong Punch: A wide hook, similar to Ryo Hazuki's "Big Wheel."
  • Kick: A spinning back kick.
  • Weak Kick: A quick forward kick.
  • Strong Kick: A roundhouse similar to Ryo Hazuki's "Brutal Tiger."
  • Weapon: Kaigo performs a unique kicking attack that starts low but swings high, aiming for the jaw, similar to Ryo Hazuki's "Mud Spider."
  • Weak Weapon: Kaigo slides forward on his back and aims a thrust kick towards the enemy's knees.
  • Strong Weapon: Kaigo does a front-flip into a body slam, similar to a jumping low attack in Ehrgeiz.
  • DP+P: Guile-style backflip attack. If it hits, Kaigo should be sent backwards just a little bit as he kicks off of his opponent.
  • QCB+K: Terry-style Crack Shot kick.
  • QCF+P: A Q-ish forward lunging punch. Distance travelled should be about half the screen width.
  • 2xQCF+P: SUPER: Kaigo rolls forward and launches, head-first, at the opponent's stomach, then follows up with a front-flip body slam a la Strong Weapon attack.
  • Taunt: Kaigo plants his hands on his hips and leans forward with a "Hmph." he then leans back a bit, folding his arms, asking sarcastically, "That's it?"


Thinking Kaigo would probably end up being something of a Rock Howard or Jotaro Kujo type, an introvert with a more calm tone of voice and some pretty hurtful dialogue. Examples of things he might say: "What good was that [what I've just done]?" "A waste of time." "Get out of my way." "No quarter, no mercy." "You pissed me off."

Win Poses

Kaigo generally doesn't think much of his opponents and even questions himself sometimes.

  • Kaigo walks over to his defeated opponent and kicks them, saying "You brought this on yourself."
  • Kaigo looks at his downed opponent in shock. "What have I done..."
  • Kaigo looks at his opponent for a few seconds and then salutes them. "You deserved better."


When Kaigo reaches Berlin, Volkenheim learns of his presence and cuts him off. This page is pretty unfinished. Weasel plans to get to it eventually. Probably.