Aurel Mazare

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A Romanian farmer whose farm played host to a particularly bloody battle. His crops are now completely ruined, he has nothing else, and swears revenge on the soldiers responsible - regardless of what side they're on. Fights with a whip that can be set on fire for super-moves. Shouldn't be as annoying to fight as Whip from KoF. Probably also fights with a pitchfork? (Thrown?) Looks-wise, I'd say long hair, goatee, brown pants and a yellow shirt with the sleeves rolled up. (May possibly be a Belmont.)


Aurel's moves will all be callbacks to classic Castlevania:

  • The pitchfork behaves like throwing knives; strong version throws in a three-fork spread a la Dracula X, super throws them in a huge burst like Richter's item crash.
  • A woodcutter's axe that behaves like the cross boomerang.
  • His hand-sickle can be thrown upwards like the axe.
  • Molotovs that act like the classic holy water.
  • SUPER: Light the bullwhip on fire for one screen-length swipe.
  • SUPER: Light the bullwhip on fire but without the swipe, turning it into SFA3-style Custom Combo instead.